Dec. 4, Tuesday
1:10 pm
Yen-Ting Lin, Princeton
544 Campbell Hall (also videoconferenced to LBL 50A-5131)
"Fundamental properties of cluster galaxies and their redshift evolution"
Galaxy clusters represent an excellent laboratory for understanding
various processes involving the galaxies, the dark matter potential, and
the hot intracluster medium. Furthermore, in light of the on-going large
scale cluster surveys (e.g. ACT, APEX, SPT), it is of critical importance that
we understand the evolution of clusters towards z~1.
I will present a detailed analysis of several fundamental properties
(spatial distribution, luminosity function, mass-observable scaling
relations) for various classes of cluster galaxies, including the blue
and red galaxies, AGNs, and brightest cluster galaxies, based on large
samples of clusters at z<0.2. In particular, the relevance of these
observations to the halo occupation distribution formalism, the
evolution of cluster galaxies, and the environmental dependence of the
radio-loud AGN phenomenon, will be discussed. Finally, the redshift
evolution of the cluster galaxy population out to z=0.9 is studied in
terms of the luminous red galaxies, as well as the scaling relations.