CMB Experiment and Data Analysis
- Borrill, Julian
- Computational Cosmology Center LBL, (510) 486-7308,
- Delabrouille, Jacques
- Pierre Binetruy Center
Groh, John
- john.groh@lbl
- Holzapfel, Bill
- 433 LeConte, 642-5036, UCB Physics faculty,, link
- Keskitalo, Reijo
- Computational Cosmology Center, (510) 486-5790, 50B-4206E, RTKeskitalo@lbl
- Kisner, Ted
- Computational Cosmology Center, (510) 495-2697,
- Kusaka, Akito
- LBL 50-6004, akusaka@lbl, 486-6175
- Lee, Adrian
- Physics Faculty/CMB, 643-4606,
- Smoot, George
- (retired) UCB physics and LBNL faculty,
- Suzuki, Aritoki
- LBL Staff Scientist, LBL 50-5032, asuzuki@lbl, 486-5454
- Verges, Clara
- cverges@lbl
Dark Matter, Neutrino Astrophysics
- Haxton, Wick
- Physics and LBL faculty, 664-4321, 431 LeConte, haxton@berkeley
- McKinsey, Daniel
- 441 Old Leconte, Physics faculty,
Orebi-Gann, Gabriel
- Physics and LBL faculty, 642-1571, 317A LeConte, gabrielog@berkeley
- Price, Buford
- 303 Birge Hall, 642-4982, Physics faculty, UCB,
- Pyle, Matt
- 349 Old LeConte, mpyle1@berkeley
- Sadoulet, Bernard
- 439 LeConte, 642-5719, Physics faculty,
- Sorensen, Peter
- LBL 50-5037, pfsorensen@lbl, 486-7030
Large Scale Structure
- Bailey, Stephen
- BOSS,DESI, LBL, 50-5052, 510-495-2604,
- Davis, Marc
- NCH 605s, 642-5156, Astronomy and Physics faculty
- Gontcho A Gontcho, Satya
- DESI project scientist, satyagontcho@lbl
- Guy, Julien
- LBL, jguy@lbl, LBL 50-5040B
- Levi, Michael
- Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie
- LBL, Head of Physics Division
- Roe, Natalie
- LBNL, Associate Lab Director for Physical Sciences,
- Schlegel, David
-, LBNL, 495-2595
Particle Theory
- Bousso, Rafael
- UCB Physics faculty, 451 Birge,RBousso@lbl
- Gaillard, Mary K.
- UCB Physics faculty,
- Ganor, Ori
- UCB Physics faculty, origa@socrates
- Hall, Lawrence
- 411 Birge, 642-6536, UCB Physics faculty,
- Horava, Petr
- UCB Physics faculty,
- Murayama, Hitoshi
- UCB Physics faculty,
Physical Cosmology Theory
- Almgren, Ann
- Computational Cosmology, LBL,
- Arons, Jonathan
- NCH 265, UCB Astronomy and Physics emeritus faculty, arons@astro
- Cahn, Robert
- 50A-5117 LBL, 510-486-4481, rncahn@lbl
- Cieplak, Agnieszka
- 207B Campbell, acieplak@berkeley
- Cohn, Joanne
- UCB Research, NCH 305/LBL 50-5015, (510) 486-5075, jcohn@berkeley
- Dai, Liang
- UCB Physics, liangdai@berkeley
- Ferraro, Simone
- sferraro@lbl, LBL 5040C, and NCH 341
- Rob Knop
- raknop@lbl, C3
- Linder, Eric
- UCB Research, evlinder@lbl, LBL 5040B
- Lukic, Zarija
- LBL computational cosmology group, 50B-4206, 486-6942, zarija@lbl
- Ma, Chung-Pei
- NCH 319, UCB Astronomy faculty, (510)642-4850,cpma@astro
- McDonald, Pat
- LBL 50-6050A, pvmcdonald@lbl
- Seljak, Uros
- UCB Physics and Astronomy faculty and LBL staff NCH 367/50-5032A, useljak@berkeley
- White, Martin
- NCH 303/LBL 50-5015, UCB Physics and Astronomy and LBL faculty, mwhite@berkeley
Reionization (Observation)
- Dillon, Josh
- Asst. Research Scientist, jsdillon@berkeley, Campbell 341
- Parsons, Aaron
- UCB Astronomy faculty, 455 Campbell,aparsons@astro.berkeley
Supernovae and/or WFIRST
- Aldering, Greg
- LBNL, supernova cosmology,
- Filippenko, Alex
- NCH 255,510-642-1813, astronomy faculty, alex@astro link
- Groom, Don
- LBL, Supernovae scientist,
- Kasen, Dan
- UCB Physics and Astronomy and LBL faculty, 427 LeConte, kasen@berkeley
- Kim, Alex
- LBNL, 50-6045A, 486-4621, Supernovae,
- Nugent, Peter
- LBNL, supernova and computational cosmology,
- Pennypacker, Carl
- LBNL, 486-7429, Supernovae scientist, educator,
- Perlmutter, Saul
- LBNL, 50-5038, Supernova Cosmology scientist,
- Spadafora, Tony
- (510)495-2316, Supernova Cosmology/LBNL,
- Strovink, Mark
- Physics and LBNL,
- Thomas, Rollin
- LBNL Computational Cosmology Center (50B-4206G), SNfactory (Alvarez Fellow), RCThomas@lbl
Other Affiliates
- Clarke, John
- UCB Physics faculty,
- Grossan, Bruce
- LBNL 50-5002, CMB Foregrounds, Galaxy Clustering and AGN,Bruce_Grossan@lbl
- Siegrist, James
- UCB physics faculty, LBL, siegrist@lbl
- Adler, Alexandre
- LBL, CMB aadler@lbl
- Anand, Abhijeet
- AbhijeetAnand@lbl , DESI
- Baleato Lizancos, Anton
- CMB lensing, a.baleatolizancos@berkeley
- Bault, Abby
- DESI, LBL 6048, abault@lbl
- Besuner, Bobby
- LBL 6044B
- Brodzeller, Allyson
- DESI data ops, AllysonBrodzeller@lbl, LBL 6062
- Caldwell, David O.
- SLAC/UCSB, P.O. Box 4349 Mail Stop 67, (650) 926-2547, UCSB Faculty/CDMS,
- Chaussidon, Edmond
- echaussidon@lbl
- Cuceu, Andrei
- ACuceu@lbl, Hubble Fellow, LBL 6051A
- de Belsunce, Roger
- rbelsunce@lbl, Lyman alpha+
- deRose, Joe
- jderose@lbl Chamberlain fellow, LBL 6051A
- El Bouhargani, Hamza
- elbouha@lbl
- Farren, Gerrit
- Chamberlain fellow, LBL 5104 D, gfarren@lbl
- Feder, Richard
- BCCP fellow, rmfeder@berkeley
- Font, Andreu
- sabbatical visitor, LBL 6053A
- Ghosh, Shamik
- CMB, sghosh4@lbl
- Hadzhiyska, Boryana
- 411 Campbell Hall, Miller fellow, boryanah@berkeley
- Horowitz, Ben
- bahorowitz@lbl , C3 group
- Huang, Xioasheng
- LBNL, or xhuang@lbl
- Ji, Lingyuan
- BCCP fellow,lingyuan.ji@berkeley
- Karamanis, Minas
- mkaramanis@berkeley
- Kremin, Anthony
- LBNL, akremin@lbl,
- Landriau, Martin
- LBL, mlandriau@lbl, 50-5045 , 510-495-2316
- La Plante, Paul
- plaplant@berkeley , Reionization and machine learning, campus
- Lee, Wonyong
- Li, Zack
- 341 Campbell, zackli@berkeley
- Lu, Al
- research physicist, Sadoulet group, 642-8858,, 791 Evans (mailing 366 Le Conte mc 7304)
- Luo, Yifei
- DESI, LBL 6040A
- Nir, Guy
- guyn@lbl , C3
- Pain, Reynald
- visiting faculty 2024-2025
- Park, Hyunbae
- C3, hyunbae.park@lbl
- Piat, Michel
- sabbatical visitor 2024-2025
- Puglisi, Giuseppe
- CMB data analysis with Lee and Borrill, gpuglisi@berkeley
- Raichoor, Anand
- DESI, araichoor@lbl, LBL 50-
- Ross, Hannah
- simulations, NERSC, hross@lbl
- Rotermund, Kaja
- LusEE-Night, KRotermund@lbl
- Schlafly, Eddie
- Livermore/LBL, LBL 50-5045, efschlafly@lbl
- Schuette-Engel, Jan
- N3AS, janschue@berkeley
- Serfass, Bruno
- post doc, Sadoulet group, 643-4674,
serfass@cosmology, 349 LeConte
- Steier, Alexander
- CMB-S4, as part of Centre Pierre Binetruy, asteier@lbl
- Tamone, Amelie
- ATamone@lbl
- Tsan, Tran
- CMB, LBL 6041A
- Valcin, David
- dvalcin@berkeley, dvalcin@lbl
- Weaverdyck, Noah
- Chamberlain fellow, nweaverdyck@lbl
- Yeche, Christophe
- visiting LBL,
- Yellin, Steve
- SLAC/UCSB CDMS project, #R256 SLAC, (650)926-3594,
- Zhang, Kai
-, DESI project scientist
- Zhou, Rongpu
- LBL DESI postdoc, rongpuzhou@lbl